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Published: 14 December 2023

Advisor Analysis: Vision for Justice in Scotland: Three Year Delivery Plan 2023/24 to 2025/26

Report Summary

This item highlights the Three Year Delivery Plan and accompanying Measurement Framework to deliver the Vision for Justice in Scotland.

Future Oversight by the Authority

  • Authority staff and PS colleagues are preparing a public briefing on trauma informed approaches.
  • The Corporate Parenting Plan will be presented at December PPC with intended launch in 2024.
  • Potential requirement for the Authority to map the PS performance framework to the Justice Vision framework.
  • The SPA’s CEO is a member of the Scottish Justice Board and is involved in supporting the Scottish Government on development and delivery of vision and delivery plan. This role is ongoing and will continue to support future Scottish Government progress.
  • The SPA’s Head of Change & Operational Scrutiny is to join the Criminal Justice Programme Board to help oversee delivery of change and transformation – notably Digital Evidence Sharing Capability (DESC) and Body Worn Video (BWV).
  • Updates on requests regarding enhanced reporting and insights around variation, prioritisation and resource allocation shall be provided/sought at PPC December 2023 and future PPCs.

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