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Published: 14 December 2023

Advisor Analysis: Vision for Justice in Scotland: Three Year Delivery Plan 2023/24 to 2025/26

Report Summary

This item highlights the Three Year Delivery Plan and accompanying Measurement Framework to deliver the Vision for Justice in Scotland.


  • The Vision for Justice was published in 2022 and set out the Government’s transformative vision for the justice sector for this parliamentary term and beyond and was accompanied by a Year One Delivery Plan setting out the existing commitments, at that time, from justice agencies.
  • The purpose of this Three Year Delivery Plan is to build on the Year One Delivery Plan, providing a high level overview of work being undertaken across the justice sector over the subsequent three years up to March 2026.
  • In April 2023 the Government set out their priorities under Equality, opportunity, community: New Leadership – A Fresh Start where the Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs reaffirmed the commitment to the Vision for Justice and set out 11 outcomes. These outcomes are aligned to the aims set out in the Vision for Justice.
  • In September 2023 the Government published the Programme for Government for the year and associated ‘mandate letters’. These letters set out a new approach of how we deliver as a government, agreeing the commitments to be undertaken in the months ahead between the First Minister and each Cabinet Secretary.
  • The measurement framework is a tool to allow monitoring of high-level progress against the aims in the Vision for Justice in Scotland over the long term. The indicators in each area are indicative of the change expected and is not a comprehensive audit of all measures that could indicate change.

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