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Published: 15 September 2023

Advisor Analysis: Independent Scrutiny and Oversight Board Annual Report 2023

Report Summary

Our Advisors have reviewed the Independent Scrutiny and Oversight Board Annual Report 2023. In this publication you will find analysis, highlights and key insights from this publication which support our scrutiny and oversight.

The theme covered in this document is:

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: A summary of the Independent Scrutiny and Oversight Board Annual Report 2023

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Previous oversight by the Authority

At the Authority meeting in May 2023, the Chief Constable stated: “institutional racism, sexism, misogyny, and discrimination exist. Police Scotland is institutionally racist and discriminatory. Publicly acknowledging these institutional issues exist in our organisation is essential to our absolute commitment to championing equality and becoming an anti-racist service”.

The interim findings report of the Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Human Rights Independent Review Group (EDIHR IRG) was presented to the Authority in May 2023 (progress reported in September 2022 and September 2021).

In May 2023, a progress update on the Policing Together portfolio was presented to the Authority.

In April 2023 there was a Deep Dive session with members of the PPC and the People Committee that considered the Joint Mainstreaming and Equality Outcomes Progress Report 2021-2023 – the final report is available here.

Dame Angiolini’s recommendations in the review into complaints handling, investigations and misconduct issues have national multiagency governance and reporting arrangements to oversee progress of actions to discharge recommendations. The Chair of the Authority and the Chief Constable are represented on the Ministerial Group that considers the recommendations proposed for discharge.

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Independent Scrutiny and Oversight Board Annual Report 2023