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Published: 15 September 2023

Advisor Analysis: Independent Scrutiny and Oversight Board Annual Report 2023

Report Summary

Our Advisors have reviewed the Independent Scrutiny and Oversight Board Annual Report 2023. In this publication you will find analysis, highlights and key insights from this publication which support our scrutiny and oversight.

The theme covered in this document is:

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: A summary of the Independent Scrutiny and Oversight Board Annual Report 2023

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This is the first annual report from the Independent Scrutiny and Oversight Board (ISOB) with feedback on the Police Race Action Plan for England and Wales.

The ISOB (comprised of the Chair and five board members) was created to provide overview and external scrutiny of the Police Race Action Plan. A reiteration of the Police Race Action Plan will be produced in the next few months, and this report contains recommendations for this new iteration.

In the Scottish context, in November 2020 Dame Angiolini published the independent review into complaints handling, investigations and misconduct issues in policing which included findings relating to race and discrimination and recommendations relating to inclusion, diversity and discrimination. In response to Recommendation 18, Police Scotland established the Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Human Rights Independent Review Group (EDIHR IRG) in 2021.

Police Scotland presented the Policing Together: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2022-26 to the Authority in September 2022 which contains a number of commitments that relate to race equality in relation to policing and workforce.

In April 2021 the Authority and Police Scotland published the Joint Equality Outcomes for Policing 2021 with outcomes relating to both internal workforce matters and external societal issues.

The Scottish Race Equality Framework 2016-2030 contains various goals for the criminal justice sector in relation to race, underpinned by a range of workstreams. In June 2023 Scottish Government published a progress review on anti-racism in Scotland.

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Independent Scrutiny and Oversight Board Annual Report 2023