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Published: 15 September 2023

Advisor Analysis: HMICS Annual Report 2022-23

Keywords : mental health vulnerability equality, diversity & inclusion Wellbeing

Report Summary

Our Advisors have reviewed the HMICS Annual Report 2022-23. In this publication you will find analysis, highlights and key insights from this publication which support our scrutiny and oversight.

The theme covered in this document is:

Inspections: A summary of the HMICS Annual Report 2022-23.

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Previous Oversight by the Authority

All HMICS reports are presented to the relevant committee, with resultant improvement plans then presented and progress with actions tracked.

This HMICS Annual Report was presented and discussed at the Authority Board meeting on 24 August 2023, with the Scrutiny Plan considered by Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee on 2 August.

At the May 2023 Board meeting, Police Scotland presented an update on Policing Together. At this meeting, the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Independent Review Group (EDI IRG) also presented its interim report.

Updates on the recommendations for Police Scotland and the SPA are regularly reported to ARAC. The most recent update was provided at the meeting in August 2023.

SPA Forensic Services provides regular updates to Forensic Services Committee on forensic toxicology, with the most recent update brought to August 2023 committee.

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HMICS Annual Report 2022-2023