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Published: 23 February 2024

3-year Strategic Action Plan - 28 February 2024

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority People Committee with an overview of closing updates regarding the Health & Safety Strategic Action Plan 2021-24 and to outline the Health and Safety Strategic Action Plan 2024-27.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People committee - 28 February 2024

Date : 28 February 2024

Location : online

Further Detail

The current Health and Safety Strategic Action Plan covers the 3-year period April 2021 to March 2024. The closing updates outlining progress against delivery of the objectives within this action plan have been provided and are attached at Appendix A. Where objectives have not been completed, updates detail activity being undertaken to progress them and/or where these objectives link to activity proposed in the next strategic action plan.

The Health and Safety Strategic Action Plan 2024-27 (attached at Appendix B) was drafted to take effect from April 2024. The 24-27 action plan has been designed to be more strategic in its objectives, with many of the 21-24 action plan objectives now embedded as BAU activity within the service. The strategic objectives and associated actions have been streamlined and simplified to support the overarching strategic purpose and key objectives of the 24-27 action plan.

The closing updates for the Health and Safety Strategic Action Plan 2021-24 and the draft Strategic Action Plan 2024-27 were presented to the Health and Safety Board on 9 February. Following discussion, members agreed the action plan updates for 21-24 and approved the Strategic Action Plan 2024-27 to commence from April 2024.

Members are invited to discuss the Health and Safety Strategic Action Plan.

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