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Published: 10 August 2022

Strategic review of policing in England and Wales

SPA Response

Topic: Policy

Responding to the publication of the strategic review of policing in England and Wales, Martyn Evans, Chair of the Scottish Police Authority said:

“The establishment of a single police service and primary oversight body in Scotland in 2013 was the largest public sector reform programme since devolution. It has not been without challenge, however reform has delivered fundamental change and improvement with significant strategic benefit in Scotland.

“Reduced duplication, while delivering equity of service and strengthening connections to our communities, has been a key benefit.  Police numbers have been maintained and performance has remained strong with trust and confidence in the police service remaining high. Policing is also subject to greater scrutiny, accountability and more transparency than pre-reform which is a great benefit to the public interest.

"Of course, reform on this scale is a journey and there remain opportunities and transformation still to happen to continue to realise the full benefits. I would hope that England and Wales can look at the Scottish journey and see both opportunity and lessons.”   

Article initially published 3 March 2022