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Published: 13 February 2025

Collaboration agreement to support those in mental health distress

The Cabinet Secretary for Justice Angela Constance MSP says a new framework will "help individuals in distress, and relieve pressure on police officers and other emergency workers so they can focus on frontline responsibilities."

Topic: Workforce

The Scottish Police Authority has been actively engaged with and supporting a Partnership Delivery Group looking at how policing can effectively support and direct individuals who are in mental health distress.

The group, which involves policing, NHS partners, the third and community sector and the Scottish Government, has developed and published a Framework for Collaboration and Collaborative Commitments.

The framework and commitments build on the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy co-sponsored by COSLA and Scottish Government.

Collectively, these documents promote the collaborative approach required to support individuals in mental health distress or crisis who are in contact with the police, to access more appropriate services and support as quickly as possible. 

Publishing the documents, the Cabinet Secretary for Justice Angela Constance MSP said:

"We want to ensure that those in emotional distress are directed to the most appropriate support for them. 

"This will help individuals and also relieve pressure on police officers and other emergency workers so they can focus on frontline responsibilities."

The Authority’s Policing Performance Committee will monitor progress and impact of the approach with the first report scheduled for September 2025.

The framework document and collaborative commitments can be accessed from the links below. 

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