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Published: 31 August 2022

Martyn Evans appointed new SPA Chair

Topic: Workforce

Scottish Government have announced the appointment of Martyn Evans as new Chair of the Scottish Police Authority.

David Crichton, Interim Chair of the SPA said;

"Martyn Evans has been a trusted and valued colleague on the Authority since 2018 and I am delighted to congratulate him on his appointment as Chair. Martyn brings a wealth of knowledge and skill to this important leadership role in policing and his appointment offers a degree of continuity and stability to the Authority which has undergone significant change and improvement in the last 12-months. I have no doubt, under Martyn's leadership, that the Authority's contribution to the improvement of policing in Scotland will continue to grow."

Lynn Brown, Interim Chief Executive of the SPA added:

"I am delighted to congratulate Martyn Evans on his appointment as the next Chair of the Scottish Police Authority. Martyn has been a valued member of the Authority over the last two years and myself and the corporate team look forward to working with him as we continue to strengthen the Authority's governance of policing in Scotland and build public trust and confidence in the service.

"I also want to pay tribute and express our sincere thanks to David Crichton for the contribution he has made as an Authority member since 2018, and as Interim Chair for the past 13-months. David leaves the Authority in a significantly stronger position and policing in Scotland as a whole has benefit and improved thanks to his leadership. We wish him well for his retirement."

Article initially published 18 January 2021.