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Published: 10 August 2022

Independent Custody Visiting Scotland Covid 19 update

The SPA, in discussion with Police Scotland and the Scottish Government, took the decision to again temporarily suspend all physical independent custody visiting in Scotland from 17 December 2021, with a commitment to review the situation at regular intervals.

Daily reported Covid infection rates continue to remain at extremely high levels. We have a duty of care for our staff and visitors and, as a result of the number of new cases and the most recent update from the Scottish Government on 11 January 2022, we have decided to continue with telephone monitoring of detainees across the Police Scotland custody estate. We do not consider it appropriate to place anyone at what could be considered unnecessary risk.

We would like to thank our volunteers for their continued support to the scheme through monitoring the care, welfare and dignity of those held in police custody in these unprecedented times.

We will continue to monitor the situation on a regular basis. Our next review will be on 30 January 2022, or if Scottish Government change their guidance, at which point we will provide our independent visitors with an update.

Article initially published 11 January 2022