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Published: 10 August 2022

Have you heard about Corporate Parenting?

Topic: Policy

The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 introduced significant changes to the planning, operation and delivery of services which impact children. The Scottish Police Authority is one of the Corporate Parents named within the Act. 

In our Corporate Parenting Plan 2021-24, we describe how we will make sure that policing in Scotland supports care experienced children and young people and how the SPA will deliver positive change in our engagement with the care experienced community.

You can read our Corporate Parenting Plan 2021-24.

The plan was discussed at the Authority's Policing Performance Committee in December 2021 and you can watch a recording on our Livestream channel.

The Board and our Senior Leadership Team will oversee the final Plan and its implementation to ensure it is fit for purpose. As a Corporate Parent, the SPA are committed to meeting our obligations and maximising our efficacy in our capacity as a Corporate Parent. We recognise the importance of our role and how we can positively influence the care experienced community.


Article initially published 12 May 2022


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