The Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs today announced the appointment of Fiona McQueen CBE as Chair of the Scottish Police Authority.
Speaking about the appointment Angela Constance MSP said;
“I am delighted to appoint Fiona McQueen as Chair of the Scottish Police Authority, which is without doubt one of the most significant roles in Scottish public life.
“Having served on the board for the last four years, including becoming Vice Chair last year and a short period as Interim Chair following the departure of Martyn Evans, Fiona clearly has the understanding of Scottish policing that the role requires, as well as the skills to manage the board as it scrutinises and supports Police Scotland.
“Furthermore, Fiona’s time as Chief Nursing Officer for Scotland, a key Scottish Government post during the Covid-19 pandemic, gives me confidence that she will be able to maintain strong and positive relationships with a range of bodies with an interest in policing and justice more generally. I look forward to working closely with Fiona for the next four years.”
Fiona McQueen CBE, said:
“Policing is a vital public service, delivering an outstanding service in the most challenging circumstances. I am delighted to be appointed as Chair of the Authority and I look forward to continuing to work with Board members, stakeholders, and the leadership teams across policing, to further enhance and support policing in the years to come.”
Fiona joined the SPA in April 2021. She was appointed vice chair in 2024 and Interim Chair in February 2025. Her career spans three decades of executive public sector leadership, primarily across the health system and latterly within the Civil Service.
Fiona has held a number of roles, including the Chief Nursing Officer for the Scottish Government and since April 2022 has held the role of Chair of the Regional Board of Ayrshire College. She is passionate about good governance being at the heart of an organisation and also that people are at the heart of decision making. She has wide ranging experience in supporting organisations to transform and improve, and is committed to openness and transparency as well as reducing inequalities.
This appointment will be for 4 years and will run from 7 April 2025 to 6 April 2029.
This appointment is regulated by the Ethical Standards Commissioner.
This appointment is part-time and attracts a remuneration of £545 per day for a time commitment of up to 15 days per month.
Other ministerial appointments
Fiona McQueen is a Vice Chair of the Scottish Police Authority, for which she receives remuneration of £393.92 per day, for a time commitment of 108 days per annum. She is also the Chair of Ayrshire College, for which she receives remuneration of £264 per day for a time commitment of one day per week.
Political activity
All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process. However, in accordance with the original Nolan recommendations, there is a requirement for appointees’ political activity within the last five years (if there is any to be declared) to be made public.
Fiona McQueen has had no political activity within the last five years.
The Scottish Police Authority is independent of both the Scottish Government and policing. It is the primary governance body for policing in Scotland, and was established as a public body on 1 April 2013 by the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012. It was set up to hold the Chief Constable to account: promote, support and oversee improvement in policing. It is responsible for the management and delivery of Forensic Services in Scotland and Independent Custody Visiting Scotland.