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Published: 06 April 2022

£1.3 billion budget set for policing

Topic: Budget

The Scottish Police Authority (SPA) has today (23 March 2022) approved a 2022-23 budget for policing in Scotland.

Total funding from the Scottish Government has been confirmed at £1,332 million. In line with its statutory obligations to maintain policing, the Authority has agreed revenue allocations of:

  • £1,209.7 million to Police Scotland
  • £40.8 million to Forensic Services
  • £4.7 million to SPA Corporate

The budget was considered at a virtual meeting of the Authority. Other matters approved at the meeting include a Housing Strategy for managing the residential estate within policing, and updates to the Authority's Governance Framework.

In addition to the approvals above, the Authority considered:

  • A tripartite review of local police plans with COSLA and Police Scotland
  • The Chief Constable's Annual Police Plan for 2022-23
  • The Annual Business Planfor SPA Corporate in 2022-23
  • A financial planning framework setting out the key principles for the effective and use of policing resources to develop and inform planning in the years ahead.


Article initially published 23 March 2022

More Information

The agenda and papers discussed at the meeting are available to view from the following section of the Authority's website: Authority Meeting 23 March 2022.

A recording of the meeting is available to watch again on the Authority's dedicated Livestream channel.

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23 March 2022

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