Our Performance Summary for the financial year of April 2022 to March 2023, provides a high level and accessible overview of the performance information included in the Scottish Police Authority’s Annual Report and Accounts.
Our Annual Report of policing in Scotland, developed in collaboration with Police Scotland, is a detailed report of almost 200 pages which, while informative and of interest to many of our partners and other stakeholders, is not what everyone is looking for. This new summary format aims to present key insights in a more visual way that is of interest to a wider audience, alongside links to the full report should anyone wish to read more.
Some areas of interest include:
The Performance Summary document has been through a few iterations, and we hope to develop it even further next year. Any feedback received from the public and other stakeholders through our website will be very welcome and helpful in this process.
Published: 12 July 2024
Published: 15 July 2024
Published: 29 November 2023