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Published: 15 July 2024

July APCC Meeting Update


Amanda Coulthard, SPA Head of Strategy and Performance

The Authority attended the latest general meeting of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) on 10 and 11 July, the first since PCC elections in May of this year.

As an associate member, alongside the other associate members; Jersey Police Authority, British Transport Police Authority, Civil Nuclear Police Authority, City of London Police Authority and the Ministry of Defence Police Committee, the Authority participates in all general meetings and inputs to the portfolio work of the APCC as relevant.

In July, the general meeting heard updates on:

  • vehicle crime, including innovative work with car manufacturers
  • the police race action plan
  • substance misuse and addictions
  • the work of the IOPC
  • rural crime
  • roads policing, and
  • cyber security.

In addition, there was a session with the new Home Secretary Yvette Cooper and policing minister Diana Johnson.

While updates are often focused on policing in England and Wales, they are a great opportunity to share practice and learning, and look at opportunities for collaboration and improvement.

As we look ahead to the next meeting of the association in October, the Authority is considering what practice from Scotland we can share with the wider membership.

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