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Scottish Police Authority

Policing in the Public Interest.

Who We Are

The Authority is the primary governance body for policing in Scotland. We aim to increase public trust and confidence in policing through accountable, proportionate and transparent oversight and scrutiny.

What We Do

The Authority sets strategy, scrutinises and reports on performance, supports continuous improvement activity, and listens to what the public and our partners are saying about policing in Scotland. The Authority also delivers an Independent Custody Visiting Scotland Scheme and Forensic Services.

Biometric technology and policing

The Authority, together with the Scottish Biometrics Commissioner and Police Scotland hosted a conference which sought to explore and understand the use of biometrics in Criminal Justice in Scotland. 

Scottish Conference explores Biometrics in Criminal Justice

The Scottish Biometrics Commissioner, Scottish Police Authority and Police Scotland hosted the first conference of its kind in Scotland on the use of Biometrics in Criminal Justice.

Biometrics in Criminal Justice Conference

Meeting Schedule

Next meeting :

Legal Committee

Date : 19 July 2024

Location : Online

Board meeting
Complaints & Conduct Committee
Forensic Services Committee
Policing Performance Committee
People Committee
Resources Committee
Audit Risk & Assurance Committee
Legal Committee

Accessing Our Information

The Authority is committed to ensuring our information is open and accessible to the public. We publish as much information as possible on our website and our publication scheme sets out clearly what information we hold and how you can access it.